I took some time off late summer due to personal/family reasons, but I am BACK!
It's been 5 years since I took residence in my new studio....While I love the space, and have enough room, it is nice to engineer a "redo" and work at refining my painting area. I decided to pair down a bit, to make sure I had enough room to move about. I also am moving into more teaching, so this layout will work well!
I've created two work stations now....each with a full palette mixing area and an easel. Both have North light. I also organized my framing supplies, and my plein air painting easels and supplies.
This is the time of year that I put away the plein air tools and look at new materials....I've recently discovered a newer version of canvas paper by Cason. It is WONDERFUL! I like how I can cut it into any shape. The oils work well with it, and it just seem so easy! Not sure how to frame them yet, but look for more to come.
My first attempt was an experiment with a visual from a recent trip to Martha's Vineyard. A delightful little flower I found while walking around the cliffs at Aquinnah. I liked the way the paper accepted the medium, and, really, just how easy it was to use. I liked being able to use a drawing board as a support....something I work with easily. I will try other views in the days to come.
Until next time, happy painting!!